Putting yourself first is a crucial step towards achieving your goals and living a happy, fulfilling life. This may seem counterintuitive, as we are often taught to prioritise the needs and wants of others before our own. However, the truth is that taking care of yourself should be a top priority. Here are a few reasons why it's important to put yourself first.

First and foremost, putting yourself first allows you to prioritise your own well-being and happiness. When you prioritise your own needs and wants, you are able to focus on what makes you happy and fulfilled, rather than constantly trying to please others. This can lead to a greater sense of overall well-being and satisfaction with your life.

Additionally, putting yourself first can improve your relationships with others. When you are able to take care of yourself and prioritise your own happiness, you are able to be more present and engaged in your relationships. This can lead to stronger, more meaningful connections with the people in your life.

Furthermore, putting yourself first can lead to greater success in your personal and professional endeavors. When you prioritise your own well-being and happiness, you are better able to focus on your goals and take the steps necessary to achieve them. This can lead to greater productivity and success in your career and other areas of your life.

It's also important to note that putting yourself first does not mean being selfish or neglecting the needs of others. Rather, it means recognising the importance of taking care of yourself in order to be able to fully show up and support the people in your life. When you prioritise your own well-being, you are better able to be there for others and provide the support they need.

In short, putting yourself first is essential for achieving happiness, fulfillment, and success in life. 

By prioritising your own well-being and happiness, you are able to focus on your goals and create meaningful connections with the people in your life. So don't be afraid to put yourself first – it's an important step towards living the life you want.